Marketing & Comms

To reenergise the Ecobank brand across all affiliate countries and touchpoints to deepen its connection to its target markets and reassert its status as a true pan-African leader.

We created

Under the new positioning of ‘A BETTER WAY, A BETTER AFRICA’ we set out to celebrate Ecobank’s 33 country platform, people and purpose, by activating an exciting new brand presence across Ecobank advertising, corporate communications, public relations, sponsorship and strategy.

At the heart of the re-brand launch was an epic TV commercial created to debut during the AFCON2024 football tournament (in stadiums and across continental broadcast networks) to maximise audience reach across Ecobank’s network. Filmed in multiple locations in South Africa and Kenya, an epic pan-African fly-through was contrasted with a personal touch that places the brand in customers’ hands, helping and empowering individuals, businesses and corporations across the continent.


Launched with a major sponsorship presence throughout AFCON and supported with print and digital collateral in four languages, the initial campaign phase – the start of a 12-month roll-out – received universally positive feedback, surpassed all metrics set and gave Ecobank the platform it sought to refresh customer perceptions and build on its successes in the years to come.